Have you found yourself struggling to keep your home organized as you work from home during the COVID-19 stay at home orders? Has the home school/distance learning sessions overtaken your home and robbed you of your peace? Don’t despair. You are not alone.
I have been especially challenged during this time as I am a mother to a kindergartner who needs a lot of interaction during the day to keep her learning on track. Like many across the country, my usual routine was completely uprooted after schools were shut down in response to the COVID-19 restrictions.
There are solutions for you, and you can get your Zen back one day at a time. I will share a few tips over the next few days on how you can keep your workday organized and productive. With summer vacation fast approaching, you will find that you can achieve your peace sooner than imagined.
Successful time management is the cornerstone of a productive day.
Start out using a planner, whether an electronic one or a traditional hard copy. Keep a detailed account of your day.
Assess what tasks you need to complete for your current assignments
Who do you need to check in with virtually? Zoom, Skype or Google Meet are among the most popular platforms to use for virtual meetings
Use a visual cue to let others at home know when you are not to be disturbed.
Schedule breaks during the day to exercise, eat, and check-in with your children.
Everything that you need to complete once your workday is over should also be scheduled. You will find that by scheduling these work and home duties into your planner, you are less likely to get off track.
Help your children schedule their days too.
Keeping to a routine is essential.
Hopefully, these tips will help you organize your day a little better during these tough times. If you need a bit of extra help, feel free to consider reaching out to a Houston professional home organizer.
Stay tuned for more tips.